FC2 is shorthand for the Femidom [ Female Condom next generation.]
First introduced over 20 years ago the FC1 known as the Femidom was not the best product in terms of sensual sex. It was certainly functional in as much that it offered the opportunity for women to take charge of their sex lives rather than relying on their male partner to ensure protection from all STI’s. FC2 retains this same functionality with the advantage of nxt gen. technology providing a much more sheer and therefore much more sensual product.
Women can wear the non latex sheath hours before if anticipating sexual activity either by choice, or as a safeguard against forced unwanted sex. The FC2 is inserted entirely into the vagina leaving only a soft collar sitting outside the vulva thereby providing complete protection against any / all body fluid entering the genital area.
Registered on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Drugs [ ARTG ] the FC2 is imported by GLYDE Health Pty Ltd based in Sydney Australia and the exclusive partner in Australia and New Zealand of the Female Health Company, the manufacturer based in Europe.
For further facts see www.glydehealth.com and www.fc2femalecondom.com